Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Assessing and Evaluating Software

Throughout this course I had used a variety of different editing software in order for me to produce a well-executed final version of my magazine. Using Photoshop it allowed me to edit my pictures to match in with my target audience and the format research I had gathered previously. It allowed me to adapt the images and make them more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. 

Adobe InDesign was also another software programme that I used to create a high end magazine final version. I used this programme as I have used this before and feel that with my skills I was able to produce a well finished final version that was able to link in with my theme of Rock.

Image result for adobe bridge cs4

To ensure my image selection is successful and effective I used Adobe Bridge CS4. This software allows me to create contact sheets, which is a range of thumbnail sketches in an ordered alignment. This format is neat and clear making my decisions a lot more accurate. In addition to this the photos can be easily transferred onto a wide range of software programmes. In this case I used ‘Adobe InDesign CS4’.

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Final version