Monday, 14 November 2016

Photo Selection

‘Potential photographs for the front cover's main image and my analysis of them’


These images had a good sense of photo-graphical maturity. I used techniques such as leading lines and attempted bulls eye composition; which ensured the photographs looked professional and sophisticated, as well as creative with the experimentation of angles frequently divulged from the following. In addition to this the variety of perspectives reflects the school life in a vision that’s smart and successful.


Unfortunately the photographs circled in red were not going to be featured in my front cover; for many unsatisfactory reasons. Firstly the bookcase and keyboard images were irrelevant to the narrative I hoped to portray. ‘Misbourne students strive for success’ was a headline for motivational purposes which is why I wanted to demonstrate the journey of hard work and dedication not to promote the school’s facilities. Secondly the definition and quality of the photos were diminished not making them clear or appealing. Furthermore when my model moved I didn’t set my camera’s shutter speed quick enough, resulting in her face being disorientated. Lastly other subjects of the frame were cut out and looked unprofessional.

Room for improvement

The two photographs that were circled as ‘room for improvement’ were almost good enough to be considered as successful. However the tweaks were un-editable in Photoshop software due to the raw impact. The main problem was angle and perception it was taken; this cannot be changed. Although the images were in focus and there is a good use of composition i.e. Leading Line the angles are slightly off in both my model/focal point and frame.

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Final version